Hey guys Just wondering if you guys would do me a huge favor and check out my youtube videos Dont Worry all Halo Related :) Here are some of my...
Map Name: Wizard Creator: KAZEROID Players: 4-8 players Description: A Halo: Combat Evolved Remake. Older version in this video but...
Thanks for the feed Back :) add me on XBL, and we can play it together.
Name: Turbine Creator: KAZEROID Players: 4-8 players Description: Very small, symmetrical, MLG Style, Playes best with 5 Flag CTF....
no kidding, i loved the remakes in reach but hatted they where forged, wish they would of spent time and rebuilt the map for its own style. and...
i got to test this map out finaly haha, i had a grea deal of fun playing it, i changed the spawn time on some of the power weapons it felt they...
don't be hating on my spelling n ****, who cares how its spelled, if you know what it mean that's good enough. They Should of not added a lot...
can u explain the shield and radar in swat? and the countless times he got shot with out dieing?
Hackers in Halo 4. So i was Play Some SWAT like i normal do, i was doing pretty good untill this PHAZON VII Joined my team i didnt relize he was...
Map Name: Gravity Creator: KAZEROID Players: 8-12 Description: I Used a very similar Lay out to the map in Halo 3 Called Orbital. Youtube...
Well i have started 3 forge remake projects and this is what they look like so far, the amount of detail i want to put into them i cant......
Yeah, that was an older version, i did redo it to make it look like green. i will update my file share soon. Edited by merge: I wish they would...
Smaller? you sir are on crack, go back and play halo 3, maps where small beacuse everything in halo 3 was smaller, plus its scaled close enough,...
Map Name: Foundry Created By: KAZEROID Original Map: Foundry Link to FH...
Map Name: Sector 38 Creators: KAZEROID & EGOSTUDIOS Players: 8-16 players (recommended 6v6) Gametypes: Team Slayer ( More Will be added )...
i find the hrdest part to forging is to find people to test maps with, i have plenty of space on my FL, so dont be shy and Send me a FR.
Map Name: Guardian Creator: KAZEROID Players: 2-8 players GameTypes: Team Slayer, FFA, ODD Ball, KoTH, CTF Build Time: approx 2-3 hrs...
Map Name: ColdStorage Creator: KAZEROID Players: 2-8 Players Gametypes: Team Slayer, FFA, ODD Ball I Know its not Perfect in some Areas, but i...
Thanks For all the Great Feed back guys! i have other remakes ill post on here! i would love it if you guys would subscribe to my youtube channel...
Map name: Foundry Gamertag: KAZEROID Players:2-10 Gametype: Team Slayer, FFA, ODD Ball, KoTH Youtube Video: Halo 4 Forge Map: Foundry...