I agree with you strongly on that, there are so many ideas that i personally have that i think would make forging better, but who am i to 343i to...
Greeting Fellow Forgers, This post will be on how to improve your Forgehub post Quality, I look through all the maps posted on here and i feel...
what kind of capture card?
ill Get Right on that, i forgot to do that haha, im very tired. lol so by the time you read this its good to DL. Yup its good to go.
Name: LONGSHORE Creator: KAZEROID Players: 4v4 - 8v8 Description: i just finished this map, took me 5 1/2 hrs of forging. i wanted to...
if you watched the gameplay, i didnt see anyone camping with anything.
this map played out well beacause it had the same spawn points as it did by default in H3
way to ruin it...
Name: Longest Creator: KAZEROID Players : 8-12 players Info: Well, this map turned out pretty good, yeah yeah yeah, the hallways are a little...
to awnser your 3 questions, 1) its my way of shwoing people how my style of forge is and what pieces i use, its a little trick i do, to make a...
cuz this is not Orbital :P Layout is same, bases with long halways in U shapes, but i may comeback and design a better base. a little more open.
if you wanted to see how it playes out, i added a video of gameplay to the post:) and i liked how it played out, and i know there where things a...
yo, clear your inbox. cant reply to your msg. or just add me on XBL and we can talk more about capturing your clips.
Finaly someone who agrees with me, on how Halo needs more small maps, i have Sent you a FR on XBL, we can talk about the changes you think are fit...
i personaly like small maps, i love always being in combat, deaths are nothing, i dont mind them as long as i stay positive, and for the name, its...
i used the station pieces and used the orbital lay out, i think it turned out quite well :) If you want to check it out, Link......
check out the New post i made. (delete this)
indeed they are, and they work quite well. if your interested in testing it out, im always looking for pople to test :)
shhh ;) so many people wonder how i do it, so few know, lets keep this between us;) lol
Im always looking for people to play in my custom game :) mt GT is KAZEROID