need help with images? ***looks down at signature***
i would like some basic blocks that you can scale yourself.
i like the looks of the layout. p.s next time you want to post a map, come see me about improving your quality of screenshots & add video :)...
hey heres your video man. enjoy :) Halo 4: Forge Map | Terminus | Hushed Behemoth - YouTube
Alright then i will, the next map i build will be like before maybe a little better. and thanks for the feed back :)
alright good to know just let me know when you need my assistance.
hey im uploading your pictures to Photobucket as i post this message i will PM you when its done. add me on XBL :)
i personaly love this map im pretty sure i would be killin it on this map, for FFA, hell id play 4v4 on this map. the more action there is in the...
im in for sure, i love Halo 3, I hope to see a bunch of people in SWAT and MLG <3
this map pleases Kazeroid :)
yup, exactly what i would of said ;)
barley get anysleep, and maybe ill make it again on ravine haha.
Thanks For all the feed back on this map, i will be uploading the canvas of this map with a budget posted if people really want me to. This was...
No Problem:) and for anyone wondering what the final results look like. just wait for Daxx's post.
You need to make sure you have a video i can record on your fileshare xD, i dont know how to set up or navagate maps i have not seen before so it...
dax your video is up and ready i also took the time and got 4 screenshots for you. now yourturn to do me a favor :P click subscribe on my channel...
****ing Love Forging, when i build a map its in One Sitting, unless i run out of something, then ill stop and try again later i lucked out with...
This PVR recordes through HDMI, not Component cables there for you reciver full HD video,
I loved this map back playing Halo: CE system linking two old xbox's and 4 way split screen on 2 tvs for some Team Slayer! ahh the good old days...
to make this alot faster what you can do is go into theater and fly around while recording and put it on your File share and ill record it for ya :)