it means alot, to here that from another talented forger as youself, the thing that drives me forward is you guys, and the feed back, i've always...
alright thanks for that ill take a look at what it looks like that way.
Rat's Nest Preview here ;)
anytime:) glad to help out people:)
Hey Guy i would like some Feed Back on The Looks of The Remake So Far, here is a Preview of Red Base With a Comparison Shot :) i hope you like...
Halo 3 Guardian Remake Hey guys This is my Halo 3 Remake of Guardian. First off, if your guys liked the video i have here, please head to my...
Here is a link to the pictures you wanted and my channel :) SuP3rNo7a Photos by ryan_rogers2 | Photobucket KAZEROID - Forge Master - YouTube
okay super nova i have you request ill have you a link on your Visitor Wall, and Dont Forget to subscribe to my channel:)
Hey next time you wont need to worry about Quality ;) Check out my sig:)
For Better Image Quality + Video For your map posts take a look at my sig :)
ALRIGHT! I'll Do it, don't have to get pushy now... xD
to me your img's are broken, did you use photobucket to link them?
Thanks For The Great Feed Back:) this map was not planed, all i knew was i wanted a FFA asymmetrical Map, just started building, and went with the...
considering the map has a simple outer shape [], i would just simple put a soft safe area close to the edges and the max height of your map and...
Currently no requests, so im free to help any asap:)
in fact that is exactly what i did, not many people figured it out:) i have more videos like that on my Channel id love for you to check it out...
Hey here are those Photos you asked for :) Link: Gronfors Photos by ryan_rogers2 | Photobucket p.s Dont Forget to check out My youtube channel...
Click on the Link in my Sig, it may help you. Edited by merge: guess you already did xD im currently working on your request
another picture-less post...
you need pictures. people dont want to sit a read about a map they would like to see it.