Hey mike glad to see you made it to FH in one piece
Thnx you guys i put a request in at a shop so i guess thats it. (don't post here or it will be spam)
This is cool but i don't even know how to make it from there. Im sure this helped people who know more about it than me
well ok then im in no rush i just thought it would be cool to have one.
Wonder what this danger meter is. I'm not in the tourney but ill have a download anyway. After Pallet Parade i realized any map by you is one that...
I dont know what a GIMP is but i saw a tutorial on it so ill look at that. And ill look up sig shop on youtube thanks for the help
Yeah have you ever noticed that all well aclaimed novels never just tell what happened they have mood because the level of description puts you in...
I have absolutely zero experience with sigs so i can't even begin to try to make my own. Im just looking for like Stratigon in awesome graffiti or...
seems very neat except for the double box in the second pic with the stickys. I like how you put shotgun in a very open and in the center of the...
I want a halo pic of MC Escher's Relativity painting on my file share but am to uncoordinated to make it. for those of you who don't know heres...
you put the doors in the side of the box that is furthest from the wall not on top of the box
Just when i think ive seen all the awesomeness in the world and fh is all out a map like this is posted. I shouldn't even have to tell you that i...
Seems fairly well made i think shotgun might over power that long hallway thing but it has 2 sides so you could go around and kill them. This...
ok its prolly for the best i dont know if i have enough hc maps. ok if i get on later ill definately join GT: Isle 0f View ( the "O" in 0f is a zero)