The pillars is a cool feature but u might have put a bit to many (8). The overall map looks good. The geomerged wall on one side is kinda crooked,...
This is a very fun infection gametype. The camp-proof system at the beggining does not work so well. You can camp in the starting room and go...
Welcome to ForgeHub. You need to add pics so its up to fh standards Heres standards link:
That would be pretty funny
and i would be attacked by baby food. (not in the jar. oww)
way not balanced. needler long distance ar short. mongoose ghost. mongoose 2 man and cant shoot. ghost can splatter mongoose. prowler is brute....
The sniper looks better than most sniper pics because hes looking up. The luke has kinda a cool background but the pose is pretty stupid. btw what...
I have seen so many recon maps im glad someone shook it up a bit. If ur talking about the map i would say hayabusa looks better. Personally i...
I dled. I see what hes saying about stuff being crooked but frankly i like the chalenge. I am going to try this out right now and get back to u...
^he posted yukon canyon and electric slide too. Besides its written in the rules that hlg tactics can't be used. Man i can get some ghost jumps...
ok lol. ud be surprised how many people think isle of view can't possibly be called something else on fh jk. Yes its Sean (yay someone spelt it...
those are pretty cool colors for a sword clash thing. 8/10 heres mine [IMG]
Looks good. I think it has just the right amount of cover to keep battle mid to mid-long range. One problem i see right away is how hard it is to...
ur already on my friends list lol. Remember i was the one who nade jumped out of ur map yesterday. I was just makin sure its ok if i could test...
Welcome to ForgeHub. Yeah the testers guild link is right Map Testing - Forge Hub Halo Forums Thell test ur map and stuff. Looks like youve...
hey if u guys are testing i would be glad to help if u want or if u don't have enough people. tues afternoon ill be sure to get on. GT: Isle 0f View
I like the system. A good map rarely goes under the radar because we have that forum where members can request. Its not a direct vote its more...
nice map. apparent solid gameplay. it has a well balanced weapon set. i really like the center structure (cones and all) and those sheild doors...
Not bad. the bottom level seems a bit open. u might want to add some small structures for cover. I don't like the grav lifts on mlg maps i think...
Ok i got a game of ffa with 5 people and it worked really well. Other than some lag problems the game went flawlessly. I really like the different...