there you go and yeah that doesn't really seem like that good of a map im glad its fake
I kinda get it im not very good at following this stuff because i barely know the story of halo 2 let alone halo 1. That sounds possible and they...
I know halo 3 recon comes out next fall but does anyone know when the mythic map pack comes out?
That would work if people didn't like forge by three year olds that are crappily forged armoury having fat kid games that the humans always win...
Dled. I see what you're saying silence but i just have to disagree. There are areas that have been done before, but the flow in this map just...
Ok making a floating map is hard, but interlocking like that is impossible. (modder? jk) I've never seen a floated map with a ghost which is a...
Is this how they made that new armor pic on the pitt? It always bugged me that i didn't know how it was done
very nice interlocking seems smooth. there are some parts that could be geomerged like the fences in the first pic but still seems nice. Looks...
I told you if you really want them keep quiting at the begining of lone wolf games or just lose on purpose so your rank goes down. Once it is...
Dude you tried to cheat and it didn't work because bungie tried to prevent boosting. I know people who were banned from matchmaking because they...
Matty don't leave us. :( This map was truly awesome the one time i played it so far. I haven't tried the objective stuff yet but im sure you have...
Redeyemaster, dude that is just not true. At least he did interlock and making a curved map like ascension takes some pretty sick interlocks. The...
The floor looks very bumpy you probably should have interlocked those further. With so many vehicles you would need a very big party to get a...
your post is not up to standards u need at least one embedded pic. If you dont know how the link is right...
Like they said embed more pics blah blah blah. On with the map. Its nice to see a unique map (its also not on foundry woohoo) Its kinda cool how...
sorry if i tricked u into thinking i have recon. I just used that fake picture all over youtube to make my pic. I do that sargent sarcasm (hope i...
Nice to see a minigame get featured not too many get up there any more. I never really played purple bunker but i can see this is original and is...
very small but considering i usually have a small party ill prolly dl. (after i make some space) The geomerging and interlocking is nice but you...
I like the idea of a future city. Its nice that you used some interlocking as well. you might want to check out the forging 101 section to learn...
first off good map. it has a unique feel has magnificent interlocks and is very well forged. The idea is original and gameplay seems descent. Now...