This is pretty nice some of your placement looks a little bit strange (how it is merged with other pieces) but overall very nice. I'm always...
Can anyone put up a tutorial of how to set objectives and spawns for invasion, I'm having some trouble. Thanks.
That sucks, I'm sure someone will find a budget glitch though, it is just a matter of time. An item limit glitch on the other hand...
Shouldn't take too long for some great maps to start popping up in forge 2.0. Excited to see what people come up with.
Well then you clearly have a lot more free time than the average person.
Wow I don't know why this map has gotten almost no attention because it's actually a pretty cool map. Some nice aesthetics especially those...
You will probably be able to include invasion in forged maps. I can't wait to see what people do with this.
Ha if I have time sometimes I will. I really don't get how it makes people mad. If you honestly get pissed over someone teabagging you just chill.
Meh skulls were kind of lame IMO just look them up on youtube and go find them... yay?
Layout is decent but this map needs a lot of work. Needs some color, interlocking, possibly some walls and more levels, and bigger/more complex....
Wow, some crazy twists on a dodgeball map. Played this with a few people the other night and it was super fun and only got stuck in the room...
The weapon tubes are pretty interesting and most of it is forged quite well but there is way too much open space for my taste. Try adding a...
I agree with cartograph. The things you do have in the map look really nice but there really should be more. I could easily see myself becoming...
lolz Anyways yeah I think they get paid way too much.
A better discussion would be is this actually significant enough for anyone to worry about? My opinion, no.
This map is very cool. Forged very well and aesthetically pleasing at the same time. I had a lot of fun playing ctf and vip on it. Some...
The idea is very original. I would love to see a map using this technique on a large scale. Keep the good ideas coming, it's hard to find...
This is one of the best MLG maps I've seen. The layout is great, the gameplay is fun, the weapons are balanced, the aesthetics are decent, and...
The layout looks nice but the overall presentation is just... boring. There is no color or variation in scenery. Not saying you need this to...
What is Atlas?