I like the colors but it looks a little dark. Maybe lighten his body a bit?
Obama has no back bone. So therefore, he will never push back with war. He is so caught up with economy, health care, Iran, and the Iraq war that...
GD, you lolcat you! Great job with the landscaping on this map, like many of your maps. I think the carbine should be the same ammo count as the...
Well obviously. Oh and the reason why they are firing into a crowd of people is currently 'unknown'. Some one said that the regime is attacking...
Religion, in actuality, was not the reason for this. Many wanted Ahmadenjad out as president because he would not stop the regime. Moussavi...
So i just bought GTA IV. Pretty pumped. Xbox came back today ^_^
What is this supposed to be? Is it Halo: Custom Edition?
Debates are supposed to be on your belief, and not your opinions. Do not say it is the same thing because it truly is not.
No new console. Keep upgrading the Xbox 360. That would be fine with me.
I will just for you.
The map is too Asymmetrical for MLG, but that might just be me. The map looks neat and the best of luck to it! Edit: With reading all the post, i...
Its MMA (gametype) on Octagon (map).
Why is that?
I know what maps, but i think i was told wrong. The maps will be out probably Bungie Day or some where nearing Fall. ~NO ONE USE MY COMMENT ABOVE...
Anyways, Mythic Map Pack part II is supposed to be on Halo 3: ODST. But I don't know.. I could have been lead to believe otherwise.
Hey GD. Xbox is going to arrive monday! So i get a 1 month with it so should i make another account and get a 50 quick on it?
lol ok i can give you and insane one
I has 2. I could get another if you would like?
Good morning Grif.