This is all un-true. If 'no-life' gamers, as you say they are, had no lifes would they be playing video games at all? Its more of a loop hole...
Why did you forget to laugh? I thought i was actually really funny.. Didn't you?
Did you send it in with the Xbox? You aren't supposed to do that :o.
Seconds ago: [IMG]The Republic of Dave or The BrahminPen was founded. LOL FALLOUT 3 REFERENCE (on Shock's website that he posted)
Fat Man from Fallout 3 would be sah-weet to replace that dumb RPG. Also a Yao Guai faction? Just a suggestion..
A wild Shedo appears! Shedo uses hi! It was super effective! Hey Degenerate. Hopefully we can see some of your work sooner than later. Also be...
There will be. Also, a perk that will allow bear traps to be in the game.
My slider bar freaks out when i try to use it. I wish I knew how to properly use it but its whatever. I play the drums anyways.
It was a joke. I am still promoting bear traps though.
Forge?!1!!?! Every game needs a forge menu?!1!!?!
Do you suggest no text at all or new text/position?
Bear traps. That would be effin' sweet.
He probably made this one so that he wouldn't get infracted with necro-bumping.
Version 2 is win, but i did like the old banner. Always nice for something new.
The walkway (under) looks a bit sloppily made, but can be fixed. Other than that it looks great! Can't wait to see final product.
Is anyone doing WW5?
Looks pretty good. Bit to bright for me, but that might just be me. Also, those two circles by the clone's mask are distracting.
lock plz. link