Out the **** get.
What the ****? ForgeHub is boring..
Sex or Sex?
D3 will be good but it is a bit over hyped. It will never compare to D2.
Iron Tusk, your slowpoke sex is sexing me.
Forza 3 WoW: Cataclysm Bioshock 2 thats about it really
Ready for Cataclysm?
Tauren Paladin! LOLOL Worgen looks pretty bad ass imo. Can't wait lol ^^
Don't advertise, you dirty chode.
Nothing really goes together. The explosion is bit distracting and every time I look at the spartan, I catch myself looking at the explosion.
A suggestion is to put the color at gloomy to give it more of the dark and well gloomy feel. It looks like a pretty solid remake of the map.
Anal ftw
Im a 17 or 18? I'll get on if you want me too.
Trying now. Hopefully it will be a nice reconstruct!
Gotcha. Maybe the side or on top of it.
What now? A little more description would be nice.
Gotta finish some things first before I show.
To be honest, I like the choice the made. Customized armor just isn't that 'cool' as many people think it is.
Bouncing Betty - Trip Mine
Eru is the Japanese or Chinese name for L of Deathnote.