I lol'd
Shh.. Just let me tell you. SargeantSharkasm
Lol I literally have a great name.. Can i tell you it?
Are the boxes in your signature clipping masks?
I'll make something for yah. No money is necessary though.
I don't trust the judicial system, I shoot guns.
You should change your name to Lock Theta.. Just a thought
Eat that watermelon, eat that watermelon.. Sho' is good!
Going to party-hop. Its gonna be bad ass, if I do say so myself.
Who really cares? That question alone defeats the whole purpose of this entire thread.
I'll check it out now. Thank you very much.
Like a shirt outline, that is white and nothing on it. Take it into photoshop and then make designs on it and such. @Zander: To lazy, and I would...
I have searched on the Google search engine, and I have not came up with any results that I am looking for.
Does anyone possibly have one? I am going to start designing shirts and stuff like that.. So.. Anything would be helpful.
Yes it could. Not everything is based on aesthetics of the map, you know.
Try a The Pit/Guardian/Narrows hybrid. That would look pretty cool and be a perfect setup for MLG.
Heyyyyy Sarge.
Super sarcastic. And i have never even checked it out, so..
Runescape. I've also heard about Gates of Alderon or some **** like that. Who knows really.. *shrugs*
This is not a joke. I love Zebras. I have extreme, passionate, hot sex with Zebras. No joke