Haha, this kind of gave me an idea though. Because we had that Hub of the Dead Contest we should have a christmas version one...you could win if...
This is actually a remake of the 1973 film and this one actually looks really good. It comes out in February 2010. The plot is a little different...
Ehh ok I know monster truck maps can only really be played with people who you know will not get out of the car and be immature about it, but this...
The banshee wings kind of look like arms trying to grab hmm or something but it would look better without them. The idea is really cool and it...
This actually looks awesome. The tatoos really pop out due to the lighting you used and the fire gleaming underneath the mic adds the the really...
Was that you because that is kind of embarrassing, haha. It looks so funny when it was flailing back at the person and he just stood there knowing...
Haha pretty tough to go there from Ireland huh? Thanks anyway lol
The modernized design such as the built in shelves and fireplace really catches my eye. It's nice to see some of the interior design you are...
I am fairly new to this site unlike many of you. Therefore, I have missed out on several Infection maps that were introduced to Forge Hub before I...
Haha but all it would be is people's complaints about the week dragging along and then joy on Friday and the weekends. Monday is good because it...
I really wish I could, but I'm working on a big zombie map at the moment and with school and sports and stuff i can barely do that. If I ever have...
It always seems like the Colts defense is showing up to play in the first half and then the Colts offense can take off in the second half because...
Imagine Winter Track in 20 degree weather running 10 miles, not exactly the greatest day of my life...But I did make hot chocolate that I am...
I also agree with the BBC. Its just MS trying to screw people for every penny they have, as usual. However, hasn't BBC been really successful on...
Man the guy looks like he's playing watermelon or something (for those of you who don't know what that is, it's when you go in a position like...
I had the best Driver's Ed class ever today. So, my 63 year old teacher told us a little story of how emotions affect your driving, it went a...
That large half circle is truly amazing and created awesome gameplay and a very useful view of what was below you. Also, I really like the added...
http://www.metronews.ca/edmonton/sports/article/382830--thousands-of-saskatchewan-fans-leave-calgary-dejected-as-alouettes-win-grey-cup True that,...
Meh the only one I see that has something worth showing is the "End of the World" one because it actually looks like smoke rising from the ground...
Haha you got me researching this team. Apparently they are 3-14 now in Grey Cup appearences. That is kind of pathetic. But they did win it in...