Never did I call my self a master forger. I know I'm not that great, and I'll say it a million times. I'm just saying, take pride in your work....
Looks really good. Nicely interlocked. Tell me, can you get out onto the roof?
Like I said, novelties.'re re-advertising all of your maps?
No, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to flame. I'm just saying. Not much time has gone into the 3 (this is the third to be exact) posted...
Another sloppy novelty. Will they ever end? Legendary DLC. Woo hoo. You aren't cool because you dropped 10$, that probably wasn't even yours. I...
No, we'll never be given a space like this again. Small things may be done on other maps, but Foundry maps will always be a forging staple.
Doesn't look too bad, and the quality of this post increased drastically with the embedding. However, as anyone will tell you, with the LMP...
Okay, I'm a nicer guy that I like to put off (shh, don't tell). Embedding Images 101: First off, we need to remove Bungie from the process....
This is a sub-par post. Click HERE for help on bringing it up to code.
No offense or anything, but this map appears to be more of a novelty than anything else. "ZOMG, I gots teh firstest Blackout map!!!!!!!!!one" It...
Who said they had to be determined? My cousin breaks every map I make, and 85% of the time cusses about it, because he didn't want to go there. I...
Not a problem. But, something keep in mind, is someone, somewhere, will find a way. I'd be willing to put money on it. I don't care who you are,...
I'm...speechless. So, basically, everyone gets their different "character" by what is in their spawn? Seems everyone would run for the Juggernaut...
I believe that is the same Camo from 2 angles, and I can tell for a fact the floor is interlocked...the rest needs it...badly. +cough cough+ I...
Looks....sloppy. I can has Version 2?
Training courses are fun, but I don't know how well you will be received. I make training courses for my GF and I all the time. But that's the...
So, lag city? Fun. Naw, looks like a good map though. Nice use of interlocking. Due to the 100 custom content item limit, I don't have room for...
This map looks very...bland.
Looks better. I'll agree though, the name seems....blah. But, naming can be the hardest part of making a map. I've got a map that's about 3 tweeks...