Adding Master Chief to a game doensn't make it better.
A flock of flaka wakas
How many times has Obama done this now?
dead ppc is dead, 36 min bump
Haven't preordered it yet, not sure if I can/will.
Log in to your windows live id/email at hotmail and go back to and it should be fixed.
You can make a thread about insulting other people maps. Good job.
v2 [img] v3 [IMG]
[img] This is the first sig I've made that has an actual effect. CnC?
I've found it before.
There are two discs like odst had, one has the CEA campaign and the other has the new multiplayer maps for reach.
Should I get Minecraft classic?
Does the anti review hub test maps?
Reach will never be fun in my opinion.
The head is too big and a bit difficult to see, but other than that it is good. [img]
They aren't in CEA.