you know you're a noob at halo 3 when you cant spell halo right :lol:
well,i agree with black magic for the most part little kids are quite annoying, i played a grifball match and all the little ****er did was betray...
well, personally i support Obama, although i have very mixed feelings on the war, i oppose war in general and think that if we could just end all...
i may not be new persay, but i havent been on in quite a while... i never found this forum however so this is really nice
well, i too am an OK sniper. my only tip to make sure you stay alive is to not camp as for getting kills however.. stay steady. Alot of people go...
i listen to just about anything thats not gangster/a rap flobots is pretty much the only rap i'll listen to, but pretty much anything other than...
hehe that little orange box thing for your gamertag is from meh!
The layout is great, but like some other people have said, you need to clean it up a bit. that way it will look ten times better. Other than the...
I like it, but I don't really like the dots, if they represent blood or whatever, I just don't think it looks good. But that is the only thing,...
Hey this is cool, I'm thinking of getting into making signatures, and this should help me quite alot. Thanks for the video, I can't wait to try...
Wow, this looks really good I think I'll probably download this. I especially like your subtle but effective geomerging and interlocking. Not also...
hey thanks a lot, these could be useful later. They look pretty good!
It's only bad if it's used for cheating. For example, map mods are actually pretty fun to play, some being pretty hilarious. But if you use it...
I agree with Sdrakulich, two is definitely best, but still needs some editing.
I heard about it from my friend Randle Scandal He's hanging out with me as we speak.
A very good looking map, it contains a lot of things in it that make it look pretty damn sweet. First of all the geomerging is great. It looks...
looks like it could be fun for the more tactical types, which i enjoy.
definitely liking this one, looks like alot of fun for a large group, especially if the zombies are tards
HORRY CAO those are pretty damn sweet, i like the fallout one most and i am definitely looking forward to that...well after bothering me to post i...
Render/Character: Altair from Assassins Creed Name: Ub3rtuba Style: Medieval Style Color Scheme: Black and blues, but kind of faded, like...