you cant send messages to friends by accessing your account online, but can while on the 360. i also dont think you can dl content off the market...
i just ordered fable 2 last night and im glad im seeing some halo players saying its great. :) cant wait to play it
this looks very cool. i will download and try it out. also, since there are stairs leading up to the dumpster, could you clear out the floor...
wow. thats actually pretty cool. the only problem i see is the mongooses being destroyed be zombs. but otherwise very cool, dl in a sec. (also,...
^ What? now that just ruined my whole day..... jk Anyways i dl at v2 when you have the bumps n' jumps or w/o. +rep for the nice post and the...
looks very cool, better than v2. i will dl
you know this looks like a pretty cool map. 5/5 also, and i feel like a COMPLETE idiot by asking this but, can someone pm a quick description of...
before any thing like that happens, id rather have that stupid 100 custom games limit lifted.... But that would be pretty awesome.
^ you know that actually doesnt look half bad, and i usually hate putting #s in words like that.
you could always try putting something inbetween the words like a _ or a - if possible, or just change the name to chamber of gas?
i know how to score, but im not sure i should say unless the creator of the thread okays it.
very cool downloading now. 5/5 for the creativity and the fun that i most likely WILL have on it :) btw. i love how your gametype has more dl's...
lol, yeah, i made a few of these maps, most of the things u made, i had too. (instead of a wraith i used a hog) i give it a 5/5
this looks pretty cool, i will dl. lol, in a way this reminds me of the original Fuzion Frenzy game.
^ not always true. :P The map is very good idea, but i think when (and if) you make a v2, you should make the map bigger (not more OPEN space)...
Wow. Just Wow. This map is amazing. (not kidding) The idea is awesome. 5/5 btw, downloading now
This may have already been said, (and im not reading all 64 sum posts) Race - Human Mode - Equiptment Name - Claymore Descrip - Similar to...
it looks pretty fun but, the zombies need more ways in (ex. I am Legend map) has a entrance thru the roof in the back, AND the front entrance....
i think you should post the new pics of it being interlocked.....