We are still evolving but you dont see it in a century, it takes millions to billions of years but one thing you can notice is humans are getting...
Im guessing its like when you sleep with no dreams you dont remember anything your just awake again. Or mabye nothing you never think again but...
Hey mate I just made a small map - you make like it so wana try it out sometime?
Not my desktop but I had to add it. [IMG]
Will do, cheers mate.
Nice map mate good for multi capture the flag with big teams and assualt. Mabye add one or two powerful long range weapons to the other side...
Cheers both of you, specially for answering so quick. I'll add both of you and look forward to having fun together sometime.
The Duck Hunt 0 (Ignore the 0) map has an area where you teleport out the map and go down a path of teleporters. Also I've been making a map...
Hey guys I've had Halo 3 for a few months now and recently got into forging. I know the basics like how to make a custom power up trap and how to...
Hey Jimbodawg if you had any free minutes I know basic things like making traps, elevators and doors but I wouldn't mind being taught more on...
I'll take a look if you want just add me and if you see me on ask and i'll proberly say yes.
The drawbridge uses a switch where two grav lifts are destroyed and another two spawn pushing the dumpsters across the gap. YouTube - Halo 3 Forge...
The drawbridge is a good example of grav lifts it works by having 4 grav lifts on the map two of them set to respawn at beginning no and time 180...