I would pay money to see that movie.
I agree with this. The AA's in Reach were sort of like a simplified version of CoD classes. The thing is, Bungie overlooked the fact that it was...
Many people think that using AA's or power weapons cheaply is like exploiting the game, when in reality they're using them the way they were...
>If there are AA's in Reach >AA's in Reach >Reach In all seriousness, I won't mind if AA's are in Halo 4, just as long as they ditch Armor...
The Hushed Apprentice, which is currently stickied at the top of the competitive section, is a fantastic campaign-ish invasion map. It's based off...
I for one think it's interesting. . ___ . A sort of combination of a plasma pistol and a plasma launcher that would do more damage to...
I think the idea to add your own water would be nice, but I do agree that a free flowing water engine is definitley not happening anytime soon in...
Oooooooooh. Wow, you went all the way back to Freezer Burn? Yeah. About that one. I tried to make a cool ARGish map preview, then **** got out of...
The July 11th update was the last time I updated the OP with important story related junk. I was going to post more, but after advertisement...
Indeed they are.
. _ . I haven't made a map preview in quite a while. Are you mistaking me for that other guy that made the "What The Hell?" thread in the Reach...
Do you think there's any legitimacy to this? I found this leak a while back. It's probably BS, but I want your guys' opinion.
The thing is, most people still don't know who I am. Especially considering the fact that in that year, I've only made like 65 posts.
I realize that I've been here for quite a while and never posted an introductory thread. So anyway, hello to everyone I may or may not have...
My impression was that your map would fail if any of the following apply: - Your thumbnail isn't interesting enough - Your username isn't...
. . . and the ones who are frequently recognized in the community take the spotlight every week . . . I agree, the only rule here is don't...
I second this notion.
I sounded like that the first time I got a three-for-one snipe. I pooped myself so hard.
If you guys didn't already see it, they show what the Forerunners look like in the second terminal video they released from Halo CEA. I have no...