i only agree to make it legal as long as they don't over do it. Smoking is bad period. smoke kills so basically weed smoke does kill because its...
- & - = + - Killer "Killed By - Gov" = Peoples Safety +
So what do you think? should we let **** starters continue to start **** and trash talk? do they have that right to be offending like no lifes...
no problem guys ;) oh and i forgot to tell you that you can only geomerge the teleporters once you start the game up, sorry to say that if you...
Spawn 2 Teleporters/Recievers. Dummy both of them, and set the "first" one to Asymetric and the second one remains "Both". Grab the second one...
yessur the way i dummy them is better than the given methods here. my method of dummy the object is: Press up on the d-pad 2 times and (X) along...
that sux :/
i can dummy and ghost merge the nodes just fine but i just dont understand why the map needs to be a canvas otherwise it wont work. most people...
i dont get it ? i can only ghost merge teleporter nodes - sender/reciever on any map like guardian but only when its blank, but if its a pre-made...
im mad! >.< I like to ghost merge but what if i want to forge with someone else that wants to ghost merge to? We both cant ghost because one...
Zomg! a red sexual blast! Orgasmic! O.o
r u friggin seri'Ez ¿ / Are you freacking serious ? No offense dood but how could you not understand his post? dood he simply said he found a...
Pro Vator Hey nice find! thanks to you i can now build my pro elevator! :)
Hey guys i need some conformation on whether this rumered glitch works or not. The glitch goes: 1.open the forge menu list and select double box...
Thank you for responing :) i apreciate it. That sucks i wnated to do that switch badly :( i have 1600 msp but dont wanto waste it as it is a rip...
I have a question, ummm is it possible to just totaly erase all payment information off of my GT "XCOnFuSeDeAThX" and switch it to a new created...
Welcome to forgehub! can't wait to see your maps :P
i kno! it would make me very sad :(
wow thats a nice mlg map, ima download :P
Zomg? like i really care O_O You could of been more respectful. Secondly i posted here because i dont have a direct link nor do i know how to...