O'Brother - Ascension - YouTube
Gotta get your registration priority next time. In my case, I get to register for courses two months before they're open to new students.
- Khajiit (stealth) - One handed, archery, restoration, alchemy, light armor, sneak. ^ Was my character in Oblivion, however my character from...
I manage just fine against tactical lights. I understand why people are complaining about it, but ****. Players need to grow a set of balls and...
Those be chump stats. Electronic countermeasures including chaff launchers and deceptive transmitters prevent...
My best vehicle is the MAV. 412 kills.
I can fly helicopters if you need some assistance.
I don't think you understand. She's a fish.
Is no-shave November on? You better bring your A game.
My wife is a jawless fish.
You have no need to worry. I'm positive something will be overlooked so you'll be able to magically produce 93 rugs from thin air.
Only if there's an extensive sharing program provided. Even then I doubt Portal 2 is popular enough to grant it a sub-forum.
I despised that from Oblivion. Thankfully I never used horses too much once I discovered the duplication and permanent enchantment glitches. There...
Hah dreading what? Air superiority or service stars? If the latter, don't worry too much about the EBR because from what I hear the SKS is loads...
You seen my downstairs mix-up. What does that mean to you? Does it mean you love me?
Getting a service star for a class means you have unlocked literally everything for it, kapeesh? Also if DICE had any sense, they would add a...
I've been unlocking attachments for the M98B sniper. I now have it equipped with a holographic sight, a straight-pull bolt, and a tactical...
The MAV is probably the silliest thing in the world, and you can get roadkills with it!
I saw St. Vincent at the Treasure Island Music fest a little while back. Boss!