This isthe follow up to the 2008 hitmap Bottom Feeders. A truely sensational and innovative map puts a new twist on the halo 2 orginal. It adds a... its pretty funny. :)
has any1 downloaded it. lemme no what u think.
roflolololol rooney. waaay better than tevez. the whole team is good. ur just angry cus no one ever wantas to stay in west ham.
rofl noooo idea wat ur talking manc is man city, manutd is for manny united. hammers are rubbish. do u c them at the top of the league or in the...
Ummm rofl im a man utd fan not manc i hate manc
whoever gave me a 1 is stupid this map is soooo cool download it u wont regret it.
looks cool ill DL l8r
OHHH HE WAS SERIOUS LOL. and i will post another one with the pics right. just gimme a second.
A proper sick map.It uses the full map and includes an extra bottom level with a tower. A ghost, trip mine, spartan laser, and other unique...
yea looks nicely done im prolly gunna download it eventually
yea looks preetty good ill try it out l8er