No screens this isnt up to forge hub standards.
lookslike it could be fun.
Wheres the sceens
no screens:(
umm its just halo u can be smart and not put a lot of time into a map.which u obviuously didnt.
well generally maps on this site r well thought out. this isnt goint to catch on cus it took like 5 seconds to make and isnt anything special.
no offense but this map is really bad. what did u do delete the vehicles and put all the weps in one room?
yea dude uploadi t onto a site like tiny pic or photobucket and then post the link that says its supposed to be used for forums.
thanks next person to download is lucky 100, but someone really should combinethis map with the map above the level
eh looks really fun so i dled it, but u need to put screenshots here, there really pick about that.
wheres thecover in the middle? looks ok though. just nothing amazing.
yea looks sick. someone should take this one and my botomfeeders and put them together to one huge map. it would look sick and make it possible to...
y's it called reqium?
umm no cover and it llooks like it took 5 seconds to make.