looks ok. theresactually a place near where i live called walnut creek. its in the bay area if u wanna look it up.
well its cops and robbers so it doesnt matter if it has good gameplay like normal maps would cus thats not the point of cops and robbers.
normally id say spend more time on one map and put it out at once rather than together. however both look really good. nothing unique about them...
All the bridges need to be flipped the level needs to be blocked off better and it looks real easy to get out.. other than that the maps really...
sounds cool u should flip the bridge at the entrance though. Also wouldnt there be a bunch of spawn killing because the attackers spawn out in the...
lol r u kiding??? its hard to tell. really good interlocking and stuff but niot enough coverage which could become an issue.3.5/5 due to limited...
rwally sloppy and from what im seeing its breakable. whats up with the two briidges poorley interlocked??? Other than the really poor aesthetics...
yikes. looks alright idk. uhm looks too small to play on. maybe if u put more pics up i could tell better. i guess a 2/5 since its ur first post...
lol ur probably right. i have nothing positive to sday about this map. all the spots u put were discovered months ago. all the teles make a...
umm its ok nothing really positive or negative to say about it. a really typical map. 7.5/10
sounds like a really cool idea id prolly dl without pics ifu had the link.
pretty good. i like the two structures in the back part of the map. asthetics are probably about 4.5/5 but the layout is a lil sketchy and id...
looks pretty sick but im not gonna lie nothing really stands out as being unique. However as a whole the map does feel unique if that makes sense...
lol once again these towers wentout a while ago. nothing special about them their old try creating something new. .5/5
this might have been good before any of the new maps came out but this is way to basic to be considered good.
i love lupe but that song is probably one of his wost as for the map it looks pretty sick. a lot of good interlocking. i really like that one top...
i agree this looks terrible and and not well done. i hate how people give good reviewss to bad maps like this. everything hes used has been done...
woooow this loooks really easy compared to the other puzzle maps and short too.theres no reason to dl it because most of it looks like its been...
Dled and i lovd it. definantly lived up to the name.
lol when i first saw your description i thought it meant the pics werent working, but i scrolled down n found em. looks like a cool infection map....