Its not fake, I saw it in the Economist also. The government is ahead of us on this one (for once.) I think they have already switched over to...
That looks nice, the text fits in perfectly. I made a newer version of the SF, because I was unsatisfied with the old one. I used this stock:...
What kinda new computer T3chno?
[IMG] Everyone on FH is so mean now.
Woot! Just got back in time to vote. Lone. Just simply stunning. The contrast is amazing. +1 pixel black border=Mallet defying win.
Its not the cityscape, but it will be able to reapeat around the edges. [IMG]
This size? [IMG]
Cosmic you are a very smart man. I'll definetly edit it so that its a bit more repeatable, and Ill try the light dark alternation. Edit: Its very...
Thanks. Every seems to like that one, but I feel bad because it wasn't entirely mine. (To be true, you need to make the brushes.) I think I'll...
No problem. How big do you want it? The biggest size I have right now is 1600x1200. Thats this big by the way. [IMG]
You said you wanted a cityscape, so I did a quick little thing for you to cut out. If it needs any editing, do not hesitate to ask. Im more then...
Thanks Cosmic. Its nice to have someone recognize many hours of hard work I've put into learning some cool graphics. I'll try and get some stuff...
You know what? I'm gonna make it. And at Agamer, I have no idea how to use gimp. And peoples this is not a request thread. I just have to beat...
1 pixel black borders are out dated? Sad face.
Whatever, he has me confused to the point where my brain explodes. (You helped.) Heres a desk I made. Lately I havn't been using tuts. It feels...
Reynbow, you have a mac? Where'd you get the theme?
I'll make you guys your stuff, but just remember this isn't a request thread, just somewhere for me to show my new work. And cakeChart, what do...
And I third it. Phast Phood yours is cool, but it needs a border.
Thank you. If you want one I can put your name on it.
I made perty picture lololololololololololl!@!@shitf!!@211!!!1 [IMG] I got all the layers and PSD so If you want something changed, its no...