^ I hides them from you. Nemi thinks he's all fancy with his Ubuntu, pshh. I actually have it at home and I'll install it when I get back from...
Ghost is my idol. TDF, If you like garage band, Sony has a version thats pretty much the same except x10.
I read a little bit of the articles, and I understand them, but my opinion stays the same. I know that they can feel misery and pain, and I know...
Invisble teabagging... that was really uncalled for. Nice comic.
Do you like bunnies? [IMG]
Those people put shame to the American name, not the Aussie. Australia is awesome, and I want to visit it someday.
I was too when I got my new computer. Now I couldnt go back to my old one. Heres my current desk: [IMG] Half of the clouds and background you...
I do.
I made it with Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended. It cost a lot of money (I was lucky to get it free through my school) but there is a free trial at...
I think I might be abusing the rep system. [IMG] [IMG][IMG]
I hate them also, but I just ignore them mostly. Plus every once in a while its nice to assume my 5UP3r 53CR3T 1D3n7|7Y...
Thumbs down. Just debate and be happy about it.
Good stuff for using GIMP. I can't even attempt to use it, its just so uber confusing.
Thanks. They should be the same size. Heres another tag: [IMG] Lately I've been going for simple, non-distracting, and small. I made the Robot...
Oh meh god. Its over. Lone has won.
TD deserved that last one. I'll definitely enter this one, but since its freestyle I have to think a bit. And Mallet your still a robot. Edit:...
For me, its not my health. Its for the animals well being. I don't care about unhealthy meat and so on, humans have been eating it for hundreds of...
TDH, thats awesome. I'm going to use it for a desktop, I hope you dont mind. Cosmic, can you post a picture of the door when your done, or when...
And its open source. Which means you can customize it however much you want.