Well, in football, there are eleven players on each side of the ball. On offense there is a line, a tight end, wide recievers, a halfback, a...
Job For my job, here are my plans. go to college and get a degree in musical education, and be a band teacher at a high school. Relationship ****...
ok, what do you already know?
like, learn the game, strategy, plays, and stuff? I could help you there.
Zero Moderation. Deletion or moderation of the spam section will cause spam to come out of the wetworks.
you forgot the Cowboys suck.
Rock Band and Guitar hero. All of them. My friend told me awhile back he could play some hard song on expert. I told him how cool he was, then I...
lol, says grunge. That's a bit better, but he would like to talk about the war with you sometime.
yes, because you are republican. I've heard that song before, I love it.
Quite right. Though Douchebag is hardly the correct term.
RadiantRain has the best sig ever, according to brother. I think that Vinny is pretty cool. He reminds me of a nicer me.
And may he rest in pieces. I have to say Reynbow is a good member. He always is on the sensible side in arguments.
Slipknot is fail, but that sig is win. what is CnC? You made my brothers sig awhile back.
Chips? Yeah. Oh yeah, Grunge has skype now, he told me to tell you. TheGodOfGrunge
Nah, that's just a coincidence with the textures. Nice pics though.
When grunge said he sorry, Chips said, "You come across as an idiot who only follows rules when someone calls you out" or something to that effect.
Hooray, video games are beneficial. I knew it. YouTube - 300 This Is Sparta 300th post.
WTH is Opera?
Meh. First impressions of this map are already low, because there are no pics or a download link in the OP. Secondly, the layout of the map...
1. Blackout 2. Isolation 3. Ghost Town. 4. Turf 5. Coagulation 6. High Ground 7. Epitaph 8. Ivory Tower 9. Sand Trap 10. Beaver Creek.