definalty true! i agree with you 100%.. but only 1 thing its just that most of his maps ( no offense) are not competitive really ( well i think...
it looks pretty good but i strongly suggest to add more cover than that and be creative with the cover as well... 7/10... add more cover and u get...
oh BLAZE you always come through for for me to create such a wonderful map all the time... I see you have some great interlocking and those stairs...
this map post looks well organized and it looks like you took your time making the map and the post also it looks like you have some very well...
it looks messy at times.. but overall it looks pretty good i give it a 7/10! Great Work... If you patch it up and make it more neat and tidy id...
you are NOT giving a good impression on forgehub if i do say so myself!Its not against the rules but in the past day or so u have posted about 4...
ya suggest that u only post it again if say u did better interlocking or changed something.. then id post it with the words V2 or V3 or w.e. and...
the only down fall too this whole post is that most people who are new here only search for competitive masp.. casual maps... aesthetic maps.ect....
hehe that wouldnt work lol he NEEDS it to be a fence wall... oh well u tried and good luck
too many teleporters.. its ok but id never know where to go and how to go there.. its pretty good... nice job on not using foundry though..peace!...
ya im with jester on this wut up with the pit ??... i suggest u redesign that to make it look more scary or more professional Good looking map...
i have 1 tiny problem which is actually gunna be hard to fix.. when i was testin the map but... when u open the door and u walk through it...
wow i mean wow you should be VERY, VERY proud of this not too often do u see a map like this and not to often do u hear me say that! ( if you know...
its definaly original ill give you that, but im not feelin the messy geo-merging you did near the bases...i know u probably meant to do that but i...
okly dokly! ill give it a chance i geuss cya!
i no alot of people have already told you this but u can easily just walk off the map.. sorry but another reason you should block it off is that...
its a pretty good map , but where is the creativity ? Neat Interlocked maps get lots of views, but Neat, Interlocked, Creative Maps get featured!...
i totally agree with him if u show us more layout pics u might get more dl's... personally i like seeing pictures of the layout not actual...
err um the dl is missing or else make it more visible lol
more pictures would hlep me see the whole map! Looks pretty good so far