some more overviews would be very apperciated... cuz fro right now your "THIS" close to getting my D/L if you add more overviews you'll get mine...
Wow im not even new but i thought this was a wonderful... and i mean wonderful guide! Send me a PM if im aloud to post this in my signature ( the...
Im with Make a map on this one.... just because you ( Mortarion) can find it does NOT mean every else can.... Great Job Make a map you explained...
this map looks INCREDIBLE! Great work.... im gunna check it out some more! I love it just by looking at it .... it took me literally 10secs yes 10...
please STOP replying to your own map! You've posted 9 times yes 9 times! Its getting kind of annoying... ( you should kno better) If i didnt kno...
or maybe he just edited the photo to say that?.. just a thought
no offense but u dont kno how people think around here... is pretty esential that u make the walls higher... if u dont im just geussing that this...
Its ok you dont sound rude at all... personally i like what u said! Your absulutly right! And it made me laugh lol hehe! Peace!
this map looks very well constructed and it looks like you took your time in creating it. It Also looks like you had a well thought out plan! I...
please embed pictures if you dont know how follow these instructions: How to embed an image on Forgehub First go to and then...
youve got a really nice looking map here.... It looks like youve put a lot of time and planning for it! ( foundry Designer) Great work! I really...
Im posting another message because no one has replied to my first one In this Picture it looks like i can easily obtain the custom power up by...
ok ya either your being sacrcastic or just an idiot.. or w.e. i see your already banned so that sure is a good thing.... Please dont spam the...
NICE JOB u finally got the pictures perfect great work! im gunna deleate my other messages just so there is room for good posts! peace! Nice Work...
im not sure if u noticed but this is for the lazy map makers contest surly its goin to be a little messy ( if you dont know what that contest...
personally i dont like it because it looks liek you just made a bunch of buildings in the corners and then added stuff to sort of connect them......
this looks like a great entry for the lazy map makers contest! Good Luck hope you win! 9/10... considering its for the contest lol.... if it wasnt...
this map is well constructed, but i cant exacly see from the pictures youve got wut the map is like...more overview pictures would be nice... fro...
personally its a really good map and all and the interlocking is wonderful, but it looks kind of open on the buildings and really open walking...
oic! thanxz ( i geuss you learn something new every day! lol)