i have one thing to say.... have u ever watched the movie An Inconvenient Truth? its al about global warming... and its actually not called global...
sweeet. Go oddworld go oddworld go! lol And thanxz Edit: Holy &%#@ I never kne u were a unsc trainee holy cow.... thats a pretty dang good...
that teleporter thing is the sickest thing ive ever seen on cold storage and lots of other maps too..... i never thought you could make something...
i was just wondering but the cops should be blue.... and the prisoners should be orange... just like in real life!
wut happens if more than one person goes into the br room ?
well i suggest u fix that grenade jump problem really soon... no download from me cuz of that... it just ruins the game! srry
umm theres 3 pics.... adn we have already touched on that subject!
ok ive deleted all my other messages... about how to embed images and stuff... to leave room for people with .. meaningful messages to post i...
ahahahaha sweet i remember seeing this on youtube a long time ago!... lol.... its a sweet map! Great job finding forgehub.. and posting this map!...
AAAAAwwwwww..... when i read it i thought u made some sort of snowboard map because burton is like my favourite snowboard company!Dang.... lol...
when your in there... and u like move around... does the flood pure form..... move to.... lol that would be creepy
u mean in this picture here ? [IMG]
its pretty good but.. i think the bridge thing is way to long.... i just perticularly dont like ... i would never walk acroos its just askin fro...
u mean geometry merging ?... thats a forging 101 techinque... do u not kno how to do it ?... follow the link here if you still dont understand...
hahaha i was waitin for someone to post it ( chill out classic)! haah nice Edit: oh and u even got the needler part right!, but did u replace...
this is a incredibly stupendous map.... i really like this picture it gives it just the overall feel of awesomeness [IMG] I just plainly love...
oh also i have a better idea for this step [IMG] I personally hate this way of doin it for some reason that doesnt work for my computer! I kno...
i dont really get how this works ? maybe add some descriptions to the pictures ( it would help)
honestly it looks liek you constructed the heli and then made a junky structure( sorry for bein harsh but im tryin to help you improve) Then just...
you never disapoint me with your maps! Great work like usual... you alwasy have great ideas for maps... im gunna send you a friend request so i...