sweet, I've been wondering how to do this for ages!!! Cheers, Lieutenant
... Not sure what to make of this map, it is a good idea but extremly difficult to pull off, to make progressivly harder levels is no mean feat,...
this is a fantastic idea, I love the way that it not only combines hide and seek gameplay, but also multiple levels. Can you please also drop in a...
I love the disorientation techniques used on this map, not only did i get lost while trying to find a light source, but with the added ups and...
4 quick things; 1. Awsome map 2. Kersnap 3. if you want to give the zombies a chance give them snipers and cover if they make to past the...
Read this [IMG] this my friend is Ezio Auditore de Firenze, said by the Game Informers may edition to be our new best friend in Assassins Creed...
freakin awsome man, I got stabbed through the chest with a comm tower ... sweat!
really inventive, I like the multi level thing. I've been waiting for someone to make a good death pit with the kill ball great map 5/5