how long ago did the mayans write their calander? THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO, would they have expected the world to last this long. Probs not, lets...
Looks good, mabey along that central pathway you should either provide more cover or a splazer as an incentive for making the run?
Yhea if we're having a war between nature and humanity, then natures pulling all the tricks out of her bag and using them against us, but shes...
This is a probably one of the batter attempts at remaking Hang em high, however you definently need to do some interlocking, especially on the...
Woot Banjo-Tooie, Can't wait!!
This map strikes me as slightly altered take on an old idea (not saying the idea has gone bad). You need to do serious geomerging and...
hmmm... this map was quite fun to play, however your set up for the info doesn't do it justice, you need a descripton and a bit more set up for...
This is really original and great fun. I like the fact that you can take 3 paths as it gives the attackers a chance of survival whilst still...
This is a brilliant first map post, the weapon placement is supurb and the base use is great. normally on a small cometitive map (such as this)...
This is a very interesting idea for a map. You obviously had to put alot of thought and research (firing the spiker rifle heaps) into this map....
They must have designed something new that will be spcial, so don't get to down if you got it before the vid-master stuff. Aslo sign me up for...
Questions answered PRIZES: -800 microsoft points per player of winning -a custom logo to put with your siginture symbolising your team as the...
Begining next week there will be TOURNAMENTS!!!! starting here on forgehub, these tournaments will be set over a number of weeks and will...
I really enjoyed this map, the dodgeball style of play is always fun. The interlocking of this map is really professional and slick, and the...
This map is amazing!!! I have been playing infection for a long time, and this is one of the best maps I've seen. The varying locations of items...
on the flip-sdie to this question, we have to ask is it better that they are using a drone? A robot can only follow the instructions it is given...
This is a really good idea and te map looks like a lot of fun to play. Tht being said, it is a bit sloppy, you need to do some interlocking and...
okay, the basic facts are; 1. You made a RACETRACK on BLACKOUT 2. this is one of the smothest (non-foundry/sandbox) maps I have seen 3. you...
this map looks amazing, I tried this out on a few alternate game types and thought that it has great prospectives on 1-bomb, assult, and basic...
Looks really cool.I like the way that you force skilful driving rather than fast driving, i would view this as a breath of fresh air when it comes...