Fire & Ice: This map is really good, I love the contrast look, and the fact that if youu look at the high flames it appears as though the wall is...
umm... Urban warriors?? Don't know the german :( Urban underground is another
I really like the idea, mabey you could make a map on each of the levels from a map pack? (e.g. one from assembly, orbital and sandbox)
thanks for the advice, could you tell me which post brought this to your attention so I can look at it.
this map is really cool, I like how you aren't forced to take a particular pathway, you are given the option of multiple entrances. The...
This is a pretty good screenshot, it has got detail, flames and interesting bike positions The shadow detail in this shot is really cool. Whats...
This pic is alright, but for people who either don't live in America (I promise to change this if you live somewhere else) or don't watch much tv,...
Dude, your shots aren't working, take a look at this post to try and work it out, If still can't do it, contact an senior member of some sort....
The guardian angel is nice, but seems out of place for where it is set. I do really like the failed attempt at annual. Nice work
I really like this shot, mostly because of the light play and the contrast. The light play in theis shot is really well done, it washes out the...
The minions who work with the joker in any batman media, their cheap and will keep the good guys busy (ever notice how the bad guys only lose when...
I like to build up one base, whist securing another to have as a supply only. So I like upgrading eveything, but when others play with rush...
Halo 3: ODST, looks awsome and can't wait to see how they incorperate stealth Assassins 2: Really enjoyed the first game. I really want to try an...
I beilve that the sun will expand to a piint where it will engulf the earth, but by that time we will have found other liviable plantes, so were...
Just saw Wolverine. If you like the characters of: Deadpool or Gambit, you may want to aviod this ( I as a fane of deadpool am slightly...
This idea would be awsome ... in theory. However Bungie will never do it, mostly because they don't do AI's in Halo, and also because it wouldn't...
The best weapon is the br, for gneral combat. But other weapons are necessary for differing situation. I personally am a fan of the shotgun as a...
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Proud to be Aussie? Join up: Aussies of Forgehub UNITE!!! (group)
My mother always said to me "never wade into a fight you didn't start"...but then again I never listened to my mother. :) This map-type has been...