Thphoon is amazing, the trequility of the grass and hill, contrasted with the obious devestation. I really like attaint, the glphys in the...
just genrally awsome pics p.s. whos the dead guy in the first shot?
I like the bullet hole next to it, kind of contridictory don't ya think?
as a picture of death, or the plague this would be awsome, as a chihuahua not so much.
I like the silver chrome montage, but I think the light in the bottem right is too bright. good luck with the contest
pretty cool, if you retake it staged, try removing the items in the background as they are un-neccesary and destracting.
I like it how it is, the side on the left gives good name oppertunity for a sig.
this is a really coll pic, I like how calm the guy looks, where did you take this?
I like this photo, the little green lights are an awsome effect, and the sniper looks kick-ass. It also made an awsome sig.
I think that both are awsome, but I prefer the second because the wings appear a much cleaner extention of the armour than any other I've seen.
This is hilarious, did you edit this at all?
Desert: sandy Dessert: a thick rich chocolate mousse
I like the idea that this could be true, but agree with nemiharra that we can ever prove this to be true. But thats the same as religion, everyone...
I think this looks more like, some dudes coming out of a bar about to get messed up. still awsome though! :)
Render: [IMG] Text: Relinquo spes (can this go between batman and the joker)
funny! also black water looks sick
I like covert the best, It looks like it would have taken a while to scope out the position.
Hilarious, is ther a clan for these people?
It looks really good, I like the plasma and blood splatter 4.5/5
I honestly just don't get it. you may want to try some effects on it.