[IMG] Bl00D F1R3's New Forge Hub Meber Guide! I see your having some picture posting problems. Please watch the very helpful video above. I...
What's with all the human vehicls? The ghost, not only can you fly around like the mongoose, but you can speed up and shoot people!
hey dude, you may want to do this before a mod finds you: Picture must be uploaded to a photo sharing website and then embedded into the forum....
This is awsome, did you enter this in the Photographers Inc. Contest regardless, I love the light reflecting off the windows, it shows great...
I like the forst shot, it looks like it took time to set up, the others are just kind of stock photos that anyone can get, althoug the invisible...
Dude, map looks cool, but you need to have a quick look at the rules, specifically;
there all prety good, a bit too bright for my tastes, but I do like the last one, I like the red dots within the shadows, also it lokks like hes...
I will agree that he was funny (see the elevator scene), but the 'fight' scene... well the one with the real deadpool (i refuse to call that...
I thought that this said death by clones originally, lol this is really cool, I can just imagine all the cones flying in to stab you, however I...
these are really cool Sky tube - how the heck did you do this? mod?? Super Spartan - well now hes off to fight crime, this is a great shot,...
wow, these are all really good VS - I like the choice of weapons, the sowrd is an age old symbol of the covanat, and the sniper looks freakin...
looks okay, but you should have aimed the gun a bit higher at the head. However the arm/colour match works well.
Dow I couldn't be more in agreement with the love of deadpool, he is awsome. but there is just one tiny little thing in that article that makes me...
I really like the sketched up pics Looks good, if you put it on the side walls you could have 2?
this would be an awsome one flag/one bomb. are you going to put in some more base type structures (mabey up either end)?
how did you get them all standing in pose? I really like the black and white contrast in this shot. Awsome
I was about to drop to my knees and thank god for the saving of deadpool, however when I saw the power absorbing... well were just back where we...
enclosed for infection and similar game types open for the others, you just need the space to move
This is the wrong forum to have this in, CAN A MOD MOVE THIS TO FORGE DISCUSSIONS
You can, if there are obvious changes made to the map (or you point them out to us)