just DL'd it... it just sucks that there is so much map lag with all the merging (not knockin you cuz its done flawless) just saying a general...
lol i was typing like that to EMPHASIZES what i was saying....worked didnt it lol and i forgot to mention i guess that i do only play doubles or...
featured weapon the needler! lol really i dont see my self having an epic all out battle.......for the needler! maybe a zero clip rocket or...
first off....dont take a picture of you FLYING if it is suppose to be a MLG map lol.... with that said looks like a pretty solid map ill have to...
Zealot!!!!!!!!! does anyone else agree that BUNGIES great idea in Zealot (SPACE) is a F'in JOKE! did they forget to test this map??? I mean...
I MUST SAY THAT I HATE JETPACKS....i guess really all loadouts are trash...ive gotten use to the game mechanics now but there still are a few...
not sure but IMO i think the sword might be TOOOOOOOOO POWERFUL in such a small area...agreed that there shud be one power weapon to fight over...
my sperm count just halved! looks awesome and would be willing to test jus FR me...im sure you have thought this out but just incase you...
hey good pipe trick ive used on my maps (very aesthetic too!) is using GLASS COVER x2 flipped an merged with each to make a "V" shape, then...
the top one looks like it could be epic....but i would prolly remove the giant wall (may enclose your lines of sight) but looks good
cant really tell what this map even looks like....just a bunch of close up action shots...no map layout, so if i was you id load some of those...
i know i just bashed the game a few posts back but i still want to make the point about jetpacks....i feel bungie is tryin to LEVEL the playin...
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD...............take out F*CKING JETPACKS!!! as of now i HATE this game....i love halo 3...and to have this game follow, ouch...
i was thinkink about doin a relic remake on the sandbox level an merge it into the dunes and make it like a dusty wasteland feel (like all remakes...
im not goona lie but i had the same idea as you....the only problem i've never tried a conquest map (dont know all the rules and whatnots) i've...
looks like a very good overall design with some close quarter battles, yet still long lines of sight for br/snipe.....but i would suggest moving...
this to me looks more like a beef'd up conquest map...is there only one way to crosse from base-to-base? if so......WHY WOULD YOU EVER LEAVE THE...
i dont know if anyone has mentioned it yet but just load up any game type ,i.e. KOTH. they have default hills and starting points on sandbox...
first off the reason why i placed both invis and OS on the map was b/c i felt the map NEEDED both...invis is placed inside b/c OS would be too...
decent layout brother but i might try this..... 1. remove weapon holder under custom (forging101 - floating objects) thats a giving.... 2. in all...