im sorry sir but did you read this part... does anyone also laugh their ass off when you are rockin' holo and you send your holo into a room or...
like some one said already LINES OF SIGHT! maps the encourage movement and areas that are "more" open then most non-mlg maps. Make the person win...
ok first off i see that there is the flame thread on AL balance issues... THIS IS NOT ABOUT THAT SO PLEASE DON'T FLAME THAT IT IS! just wondered...
just a thought! but i think you should stay in first person mode when locking it down! not pop out into third where you can look around and see if...
lol yes...its true. sorry i didnt proof read before submit. i was typing fast and didnt catch that...thank you for pointing that out! haha
no problems with this AA for me, but it reminds me of gears of war...especially when someone is armed with a shotgun...i dont know how many...
agreed! i run into a lot of problems with this in the doubles arena...first guy goes in a puts shots on a guy then Armour locks and his buddy...
sounds good i wont be on till late tonight 1am EST but maybe tomorrow i ll jump on
hey looks good as well but if you want some input, heres mine... - the middle might need more cover (cant tell from the pictures) but it looks...
rough landing with the falcon....good thing your not a piolit in real laif.....a lot of bronken backs! lol music went well....a few "shaky"...
i know as you read that in your head you emphasized the capital words more right! lol (and i know that was sarcastic wasn't worries!)
dude i dont know if you are aware but i said I LIKE REACH ****er...there are only some "problems" i think it has dumbass...these are all opinions...
good call +1pt for that!
orig gamertag not a 50 its locked with xp : ( ....but would you like to buy one of my other accounts? do you really think i have one? and to...
wow you must not play arena at all my friend....have fun with team training matches. i know how to play halo i was a 50 in h3...unlike you so go...
right? at least give us a choice...
so i jus got done with what seems a pointless game sesh... is it just me or did the updated take out VOTING in arena? Now i only played team...
i found that some things have lights on them...i think 45* turn under platfors did <---not sure. but if you find some that do have lights on the...
so i have this pretty sweet map idea that is up for grabs (unless i get to it! lol) -the inspiration is from the show boarder wars (i believe on...
lol i wish it was that if i am losing a doubles game and they go up top to camp then what you are saying is dont go up there?!?...