Agreed! but the only problem is that if you have lets say 9 right things and 1 bad...that little bad number will magically turn into 100. my point...
no my immature friend i am not, thank you for reminding me. i dont know if you read the preface of the post...but i said its not EXACTLY what hes...
you could put a soft kill zone down just kidding but i have a "death pit" in one of my maps...but its not really a "slow death pit" its...
hey buddy good idea but may i suggest a few things sir... first the trees lol funny and "cute" if you will, but look terrible with the rest of...
like i said i couldn't find the exact number to date... i just quick googled every thing. thanks i will edit that. That didnt seem right to me...
yes i did, but i dont want to throw this thread off topic from BLOPS so ill give you a reason why i used that example... ...simple, 1 - H3 you...
the only thing IMO to move forward is the game TIMELINE itself. i never really liked the old CoD's as much because of the WWII era. I mean i like...
how about a diamond shape... with a bridge connecting both yellows.... then place man cannons in both bases to boost you onto the center...
shouldnt it be in your recent games played files? if so load it>save as>new name... ...not sure if you can do this. just an idea off the top of...
yea thats the other thing i try to footsteps sound like the countdown to the nuke in MW2! louuuddd. and i can seem to hear my...
hey heres a thread i posted yesterday! its all about map flow. try doin steps 1-3, but use your overall map design. it really helps to see the...
lol yes its true. when i tried posting this i had it all on one canvas, but when i posted it it was too i quickly brushed that on and...
has anyone noticed how BROKE the spawn system is...i feel like once you are spawned in, you usually will spawn in that exact same place for...
What you'll need: No.2 pencil Standard college ruled paper (or printer) eraser :( open mind and most important - monster energy drink! This is a...
hey guys here is a quick look at one of my new maps called "Perdido" (pur-dee-doe) ill do the full back story when i release it, but a quick...
@mega - lol yes you would need to enclose all of this so people would get thrown from it, i guess i assumed people would know that. but you what...
bottom floor to second floor... lets say there was a floor above you. you can place shield doors like this (starting from the bottom and working...
i dont remember how it was like in the beta. and to your other point about the testing part. im sure they nerffed the original AL ability, but i...
its nice to see that there are other people out there that are not "jaw-dropped" by this game... cough-mongoose, devil95-cough.....see, not...
Did you just quote yourself? yes, i did b/c i think that this would be a pretty good solution. @everybody else - AL is an ok load-out, if you use...