well as far as no scoping goes...you can always try the old H3 "cheap" way and do a sweep snipe! itll give you better odds of hitting the...
well one my girlfriend loves kid rock. two it was free. three it was at ford field, which if any of havent been to that field i would highly...
i like air maps as well...but i like air maps that are close to the water so i can make structures like support polls to make the map look "more"...
hey fellow forgers... its been awhile since ive been on. Vacation and all! but this past weekend i was at a kid rock concert in Detroit, and i...
hey just trolling looking at map previews.... had a quick suggestion for you about the colli-windows problem. instead of using colli-walls like...
this game looks SICK! the story looks epic and borderline controversial, which makes it so good! i have been following this game for awhile over...
looks like your wearing a fur coat around your neck! dig the background though
lol holy hell nibs.....i didnt even see that,+1 for you my friend. i keep saying "its in our roots" i guess i just imagined the "i" being there!...
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/114330-music-picture.html speaking of dub
@stoj - lol that you sent me that link cause a few threads down i sent some one this link Color Scheme Designer 3 as far as using the blue for...
doesnt it! that was the other thing that bothered me but the people sitting around my comp said they liked it that way. i had it two different...
are you getting lazy? jk i keep checking this thread to catch some new pics....nothing in awhile. maybe we can rename this project to 52weeks of...
hey guys this is another render i did in one of my classes.... the project was to ask your self the question "who am i?" i decided since 75% of my...
ya this one is tough. i was mad at season 3 when they took it out, but then i realized how much more movement there was (not everytime) but it...
whats your guys' take on the new season update with the "new" slayer arena game types being released? discuss... [spoiler]
never used GIMP. i use photoshop because there are MOUNTAINS, of material to use to get the right effects and what not. and also i actually dont...
hey try the helpful website to help decide which colors go with eachother. it is a very handy site, and if your new to art...it will really help...
Background is to busy. knock the opacity down (so its faded) also the blue border is VERY vibrant compared to the rest of the pic. your border...
ya i see what you mean. well like i said just tone down the color, try a slightly different (darker) shade of the yellow/green on the left
DEEMER ftw! i like the feel of it, plus i think the NR obstructs my vision of the screen. its too big :P