I agree with your post, race maps are great fun and all, but without a little flare there's not too much to enjoy the third or fourth time around....
This. I've been so intrigued by the banners posted in all the updates that came from this map. It's beautiful. It does look a little large for...
How can you rate a map you've never played? Disregard those ratings OP, they're moot. I haven't DL'd myself, so I won't critique as such....
I saw your map preview for this and I was all... =o. This is just flat out my kind of map, my favorite style of play. I love this. Thank you...
i membaa diss, lewks gewd cant w8 2 t3sticle it. Wasn't there a cool two story building opposite the grassy side before? That was 73h coolz,...
This map is insanely fun, I really enjoyed testing it. I could play it for hours without tiring of it (and I have). All the structures function...
Congrats on the feature Ell3ment! This is the best mini game on Sandbox (yet) imo. It's exhilirating to fly up on those blocks, taunting the...
Re: M.Jelleh's sig [IMG]
Wow, looks pretty darn good dude. Will DL and try it out. To embed your vid, just post the URL without those video tags at the end.
Picsr2big. I can't understand the map from them, but the name is promising. Always respect one who hath readeth the Halo books.
Did...not...know. ZOMGZZZ can't believe I didn't think of that! Nutsack!
I thought the cat and mouse scenes were kind of monotonous and went on a bit too long. Also the camerawork seemed super cliched in some parts,...
Not trying to be a ****, but have you any proof?
I gotta be honest, I lol'ed at the title "Failure V 12." Does not sound like a promising map at all, and maps with versions on the end of them...
I played with 'em. [IMG]
It's the virtual embodiment of MJ's soul. Yes, manipulate it in a more scenic area--> upload vid-->Take screenshots-->Create GIF-->New funny halo...
Funny vid, and very nice quality too. Saw this one today, lol. http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/8C991313661ABDDDA9D2A2481CC637DC/"][IMG]
I use teleporter nodes to brace and a single box to push it in. I never could do it using doors to push it in.
First of all, you don't have to be a **** about it. Second, just make the jumps difficult/skill requiring and make it a VIP gametype with the...