Hey, is it cool if I implement something like your pentagram screenshot into my upcoming map?
Yep, so far I've deleted the enitre Red Base and the bridge for the exact reasons you've posted. I'll maybe post pics of what I've come up with...
Extended Metaphor ftwwwww. Sad to see you're giving up forge, and I agree with the other posts about doing it for yourself rather than everyone...
This was always what I thought object placement in forge should be like. I'm sure now that this has been publicized, someone will figure out how...
I've never tried a jump map before, I think I'll see what it's all about with this one; it looks quite fun actually. Must have taken ages to get...
Nothing, I guess lol. Zoklet is an internet forum I like. For some reason I had a sneaking suspicion that you go on Zoklet too. Mai bad.
Hey, what other forums are you on? Zoklet?
Wonderful, canvas; It will serve all my future forging needs. My eternal thanks, Downloaded for keeps. :D
Just to clear some things up... The bridge (as of now) is the only way between bases, and I realize that's not exactly going to work....
Yeah, I see what you mean. Need to develop some separation
When they press their own beliefs on you is where I draw the line. You can believe whatever rubbish you find as a suitable emotional/spiritual...
Alright, I've been working on this map since Sandbox came out a little bit at a time every once in a while. I immediately wanted to see some BTB...
In the past few months, I've really come to notice a generalization generated from a lot of posters on FH maps (sick alliteration). They all seem...
Well, idk I would say worshipping Satan himself is pointless/stupid. I mean, by worshipping Satan, you're still adhering to the teachings of...
Wait a minute...explain your beliefs to me please? Are you Laveyan?
I'm currently making a screenshot against those pictures too. This one is pretty epic, but the star should be inverted to make it a pentagram....
I'm really digging these periodic releases of the maps as the rounds go by; They all are so beautiful, it's so exciting to see them pop up on the...
Probably something along the lines of...Four-Letter Words
OM NOM! That was a tasty post indeed. Quite a story behind this map too, that's odd to hear about AZN. Extremely nice layout; three stories with...
Impound, by who? Rust333333urbak! Wow, very happy that both these maps are up for download. They both look great, I'll enjoy a nice stroll...