Ah, I see. Makes sense though; playing this while waiting for a party is a good idea. Pretty much a mini-game in the truest sense, meaning a lot...
I lol'd. Is it just a box with a bunch of lifts at the bottom or is there some crazy innovation procured by Sock that I've managed to miss?
Forge Hub - Announcements in Forum : Casual Maps Read.
This section is for completed maps. If you wanted to post a preview for your map, Forge Discussion is the place to do it.
I remember testing this with you and Ell3ment. It was pretty fun, I'd definitely like to play this with a large party. Splattering is my...
Ghost merging with original objects on Longshore requires you to save and quit I'm pretty sure. Once I let go of a box, every time it would...
Good idea, but i think it'd be a lot more fun with fast and weaker zombies. It'd be more exciting to have a horde pop out from underwater real...
Hey, this map was really good. KotH I wasn't too fond of, but maybe that's just because we got rocked. The layout I found was pretty confusing...
He has to be trolling. I don't know how he's not banned or something yet.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/compet...lekinesis.html Nice steal, pal. This is Telekinesis. Welcome to the Blacklist. Edit: Mai bad, Sid.
These kind of threads always generate so many misconceptions thanks to people spewing a bunch of bullshit. To clarify, listen to Fastforward....
Yeah, but they can always blame it on some quantum mix-up from the portal collapsing on them and sending them back in time somehow 0.0. I really...
Do you jump into it from the side or somehow get yourself in front of it and then jump?
I played a game or two on this the other day and I had a lot of fun. All the structures cooperate well with the surrounding dunescape and...
The stupid mancannon at challenge 11 will not let me clear the gap. Ive done it like 15 times with no cigar. -----> >:( Do you have to jump at a...
Dewd, Congrats on Favs!!
Forge Hub - Announcements in Forum : Competitive Maps Read this thread before posting your map.
Omfg..*Hands out torches and pitchforks* Anyway, that scarab rules. The back entrance looks exactly like the real thing, with the wide ramps...
That's a creative idea you've got thar. Hopefully it won't mess up your download or something. Maybe Bungie will give you Recon v2.0 for doing this.
OMFG THE QUADRATIC FORMULA!@!2121211ONE!@12ELEVEN12!? I came. That must have taken forever. Doesn't seem to have much of a point to me, but...