2 maps my friend no need to flame this perfectly original map is there, and yes th2mods I can full well see that you have interlocked, but the...
Hello, This type of map seems to be quite popular atm. I recently saw a map posted with the same concept - Many people start in 1v1 elimination...
Heh I was just searching through Bungie.net earlier on and found this map, noticed It was forged by Matty and got some friends together for a...
This map has awesome aesthetics! I <3 this you have taken multi layering to a new dimension my friend good job, Only fault that I notice is that -...
Hehe yes well it can't be helped can it glad you liked it tho bro.
Cool only thing Is I've realised my map will never be played for what I made it for - It wont be played in TGIF it wont be featured it wont be on...
hehe thanks man nah i've already built the two goose's just working on my lazy forgers map now =p
omg guys this shows how idiotic some of the members on forgehub really are its an entry to a competetion of who can make the best non -...
@ Roflolcopter - Thats actually a common misconception, I personally love this map especially the outside area <3 it! @ D00medcrusader - Get...
The whole map is a hot spot... I just played it Blaze and its awesome every part has an epic feel to it I honestly think this could easily be...
I like ratsnest maps too as you can see :P This will be my last because its not on foundry not many people look at them :P anyway thanks for dl +...
@PwnCakes Yes unfortunatly Megazilla helped many junior members get a higher post count by 4 posts or so lol. althought it was a funny map the...
Nicely done insanse I respect how difficult it is to geomerge on rats nest and with that precision you deserve cake. Dling now as I adored v1! I...
Oh my god blaze that area with the geomerged boxes into the pipes with the Shield door - Its genious why couldn't I think of that I'll Download...
Thats two maps, I only can think of these two maps and Mary Jane is a reference to marijuana =] I think this map has a lot of potential however if...
Glad you liked it but this will be my last map after certain people's behaviour on this forum. Ill just make more personall maps and keep posting...
I gave you bad rep as im getting increasingly fed up with people making comments based on screenshots. your so involved in your little quest for a...
Indeed there is too many foundry maps If I ever make a map on foundry Its purpose will to show that I can use geometry merging and I can Interlock...
Wow thats awesome! Now try and do that in a match please =] I lied when I said it isnt possible its tempting for a reason and totally possible,...
Omg people. He said he fixing them so stop spamming he knows what hes doing - Btw did any one ever say that having a high post count doesnt mean...