in all fair ness my map was posted and got fairly positive outlooks just tell the newbie members what its for and they understand, And if it is a...
In all fairness I could probably make it looks like the sword is behind the hand with paint lols ;)
Cool, Not my idea them lights they are BLAZE814's from his map Battery you should check it out. Was it the layout of the map or the tidyness? or...
Lol I'm so glad your joking about the interlocking :P I was going to screenshot it and put that in my sig lol :) and yeah doors were allowed in...
its an aesthetic feature look it up!
I seriously do not recommend using the "Lights" as its not my idea, I loaned this idea for this map only off of BLAZE814 so please do not on my...
Yes this hog can be used in your map aslong as you give credit where due. And yeah it was made for picture purposes finally some one reads!
lol I'm waiting too, I made an aesthetic map that people asked for screenshots, that got incoherently raped by "But I can do that" "it sucks"...
To me the explosion at his foot is a dead giveaway.
Sour lemons my friend, sour lemons
That was the original idea :)
Entirely wrong place I suppose but use this [Url-PUT_YOUR_URL_HERE]Download Here[/url] however replace the - next to url with an =
Heh my first impressions were - Amplified rip off. However this map is quite unique I like the bases they are quite dashing whilst the rest of it...
Indeed you will Looks are difficult to pull off everything has holes theres bumps not to mention the limitations, Im close to suicidal. Damn tex...
User Name(s) FH:Chicken Dippah GT:Chicken Dippah IRC:ChickenDippah Map Name:Enmity Did you read the following instructions:Of course, its my...
heh you only get one map for the contest and I'm pretty sure your not aloud to edit not that I want to im fed up with not interlocking now but...
*Be warned this map is not my usual standards - It does not include interlocking or geomerging it is but an entry to the "Lazy Mapmakers Contest"...
@ Trustier Toaster glad you think it looks clean it took for ever with placement of all the little things. @ CPV18 Yes they are man cannons all...
Lmao thats awesome great job that must have taken you for ever! never thought I'd see a giant elite on avalance great job! but the best bits are...
I agree completly on the pit both teams have snipers as they do on valahalla, High ground is sniper vs laser, guardian is neutral or sniper vs...