Without fail rockwall is the best map - Im sure the other two are good (not played them yet) but puzzle maps have been done before and so have...
I would do all pimped in one map however it becomes difficult as there are only 8 weapon holders and I cant use Teleporters because they are fugly.
we can wait a week and best of luck in your exams mate.
I can understand Interlocking being a big contributing factor to a good map not essential but I think with people rambling on about geomerging its...
Could you edit your reply as I did'nt realise my post stands corrected :)
Cool just to let you know, Snowbound and Epitath aren't used in MLG gametypes because of shield doors. Shield doors lead to camping and we all...
Its no different for me opening a thread saying "My newest map" and asking peoples opinions if I should finish it or not, Or even what I can do to...
@ Humboys Thank you very much glad you appreciate it. @ Pizza Truck I've had enough of you you repeatedly send me messages complaining about me...
I'm loving your usage of fence walls, I wish I was so creative with them on the first picture - and the third picture with the stairs with the...
Glad you liked it bud :) thanks for the 5/5
In all fairness I have massive sig buttons to my map - that helps publicity and I also have a v1 and a lot of people liked the freshness of v1...
hell no by no means retract your opinion it was perfectly valid, Techniquely all it is, is neatly interlocked boxes and some small aesthetic...
Well out of all the people who liked this map, I knew there would be one who hates it and its you :D If you can make a replica of this in a hour...
Thanks for the comment and download - I going to try to be the person who makes maps NOT on foundry just for a laugh!
Its not called lazy due to the lack of attention thrown in or lack of thought for the layout, It's just tex's way of saying "A forging competition...
Heh I'll say it again thank Blaze his idea completly. Just bare in mind that if this map goes well in the competetion I may make a re vamped...
suprisingly open isn't it, however it plays awesome never a time I got caught out because of the lack of cover except on the sniper spawn where...
Thanks for you comments guys, Can any of you post back with screenshots made ? that would be nice
Very nice admittedly I don't think its as orgasmic as Battery or Curbstomp but still I love the use of teledoors I saw the tutorial and was...
You guys needs to stop leeching this thread for posts. You could have quite easily have given him the link, told him what he needs to do and not...