I'm disusted at the person who voted this map 1* when he hasn't even posted it... Who ever did that tell me who you are so I can flame you...
Ok if your asking me do I think Marijuana should be legal - My opinion is no. The reasons for me saying no to Marijuana is over very long peroids...
Place trademarks. Thats what I've been starting to do in foundry geo merge something so subtly into the ground that even you have a hard time...
Lmao when I post the gooses in the aesthetic Forums Ill be sure to use that small story that would be awesome lol.
Glad you think so there will be more where that came from
I really like that centre peice floor extremly subtle but pure awesome. As for that and that alone I'll download as not many people on FL play...
@ Blaze yes ive confirmed I will make on for your map quality of the vehicle all depends on the map of course. @ Gobbles I would have got...
If I so called "missed the bridge" it generally means you fall not being able to get the hog back up the top, and You kinda cant just teleport...
Very original, However I think onyx will wipe the floor with the others, Onyx - Oversheild, Rocket, Brute Shot. Just my thoughts.
Indeed congratulations +rep
Lol okay. :)
Point taken, First of all Cities are rather unoriginal nowadays so I wouldnt definatly not make one of them but an advertisement boards is more...
*Edit Yes I can full well see someone already posted the F101 link but I feel my post is a little more explanational and valuable in helping the...
I respect all maps made on non dlc because its so damn hard to make it nice, However you have pulled off a good racetrack the best with what you...
yeah sure man. Just to let you know my mic has recently passed away, so im currently silenced by my misery just chat on here if you can
Kinda owned me there, I just played it :eek:. :squirrel_rocking: I have to agree with you its pretty revoloutionary to say the least. Definatly...
Ill second that I love how you used the grey scale filter to give the black penguin vs the white stomach awesome. However it is a rather large on...
Heh year 11 is a pretty big year in England we take all our final exams which I have just finished pretty tough but so far I know I got a B in...
thanks for the rep my friend nice to see my green rep isntead of the blue stuff :) and yeah i've had alot of requests for the hornet I probably...
Uh the only problem is the standard issue "canvas" map that will be given to all contestents would have to be a supreme quality IMO. Otherwise the...