Good improvements from V1 except no pics of me WTF?
Woo Republicans FTW!
Looks really fun 5ved
That looks really fun DL it now.
Thanks for all the feedback. please post on the bnet thread too
You have to have a "score keeper' in the observation bay.
Top ballers Send me your scores and high scores will be posted here. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Opps.... spell check why have you failed me!
Dont worry. going for high scores it gets hard. Ya this is an honor rules game.
Right now you must be thinking "oh great another doge ball map". Well if you were thinking that your wrong. Grenade ball is a FFA sport kinda like...
Played game and its very balanced. 5/5
Fine show me getting PWNd apart from that i love it
Hey look im in one of the pics as ive said on live very good
hey man
ahhh your done i see pretty good
War machine to the max
Awesome... just Awesome
Very unique. I havent seen any good maps on avalanche.
Why do people keep saying to interlock? it is interlocked. the entire floor is interlocked. The crates are interlocked. ok? I mean you can see...
Since i got allot of feedback from people here and on XBL ive fixed bugs and come out with The warehouse 2.0. [IMG] The map is now better with...