I suggest you work on the athstetics. To me it doesn't look like a map, just a bunch of rocks.
Ok I don't really like one shot kills so ill turn up the health myself but if thats what you dig.
Ok the new map is ready! Anybody wanna help test it?
Well ill be damed a remake of rat race! a definite DL
The Bungie forums no longer exist so don't worry. Someone should really fix the criteria since you no longer can "post" a map.
Looks like a good first map post but it looks like you need some interlocking, and how are the zombies? One shot kill or not?
okay you available on saturday?
Hey seeing as you like the needle would you be willing to test some maps that are all about the needler?
Nope whats your SG profile name. Mines Vexrog Their too.
hey nice new avatar! SG FTW!
Working on improving the pics and the second map in the series should come out around wensday New Pics Are here! What do you think of High Def?
Ya that would work well in the skybox. I'm gonna see if I can make it.
Make a little user bar so we can show this thread some love. I'm getting photo shop tomorrow hopefully so ill be able to make one.
Yay thanks for the help. Also If anyone really likes this I'm working on the next in my series of needler maps. Testers and forgers would be...
Hey thanks for putting up my map and in general for the database. Already found and DL'd 3 maps from it.
What you might want to try is forcing teams to go up the neck making the sniper spawn an effective choke point, instead of being out of the way.
Sounds like a good map but ill reserve judgment for when you pics are up. Now that the pics are up the map looks very good for 2 flag. DLd and...
I think that the map would play better if you added man cannons where I put arrows [IMG] Solves the camping without being to cheap.
This looks like a map that I would like to see alongside sandbox in the mythic playlist. A definite DL and you should start a poll in the...
When I saw this I though "shotgun spawns" so it looks very fun for close range. Try setting it up for oddball too.