Shock = Fail.... it won't continue to rise faster and faster... it will lower the rising rate at around 20 to 30 thousand... Also Remi what number...
Re: OMG it's GODZILLA! Looks decent enough... and nice job and quickly changing your pictures to be embedded :squirrel_rocking: Tho the spartan...
Ive still got the one I got with my Xbox last christmas and it works fine... I don't see what the big fuss is about... :squirrel_wtf: - Lemon...
Zomg Yavi! You have exactly 999 posts right now! :squirrel_wtf: Epicness! :squirrel_rocking: I tink I is go to write dis in my diary...
Looks like a good idea though it doesn't look like its 100% perfect, seems a little like youll just fall in the hole if you go near the edge... -...
Lol while I was looking at it I was thinking hmm looks interesting... but ya this is a nice map... Goldeneye was sick, but I don't get how the...
After trying the map I have a few suggestions. First of all I think you should work on reducing the height, right now it goes almost up to the...
Nice one Remi... I too am working on an elevator kind of thing... of course I wont copy yours or anything :squirrel_shiftyeyes: lol Im planning on...
Re: Powerthirst Lmao "Side effects may include GLOWING SWEAT!" - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
ZOMG ORANGE DIDNT TYPE IN ORANGE! - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
I too am working on an elevator system, tho mine I want to actually act like an elevator... I'm working on making some sort of way to make a sort...
OMG! HE EVEN FAILS AT FAILING! seriously dude... :squirrel_nono: Though Remi I am curious about the "Loyal" Rank... I havn't seen it before and...
Re: Whack A Mole *FINISHED* DAMN! I was gonna make a whack a mole map! I was excited cuz I hadn't seen any others till now so I thought I'd be...
Bungienator wasn't worth downloading... it was just a giant robot made out of boxes and teleporters... where as this map has some of the best...
Ya and worse then my 6 year old grandma!
Lol I see a duel coming on... THROW ALL OF THE BOOK CLUBS BOOKS AT EACHOTHER! :squirrel_giggle: Anyways... Yeah most of the good ones have been...
I use cheetah 3D for fun sometimes :squirrel_chatting: is that anything like Maya? :squirrel_eyebrow: - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
Lol I guess I learned something about some people today... :squirrel_giggle: - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
Nice find orange... Too bad that banshee/warthog wasn't flyable... imagine how sick it would be to have a banshee flying around with a turret and...
Amen - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck: