Re: Haunted Tubes Looks like its vents but with alot more vents... Thats a good thing I guess... vents should really have been called the office...
reminds me of the movie elf except in this Santa is trying to kill ze babies instead of give zem teddy bears... :squirrel_wtf:
Pretty amazing... I have been looking for a good 3D program... this one looks a lot less complicated then the one I use now... You've got some...
You seriously need some new ones sarge...
Psh Mr. Gay would be you sarge... Beethoven just plays gay music...
No no not that kind of classic... like classic rock you know? thats whut classical is... Beethoven would be gay...
Then whut is he hmm?
Pretty neat... I really like the low ceiling tunnel with the pallets as floor, I believe you called it the exploding tunnel so that gives me a...
I dislike R&B... but I like this aswell as rock (don't criticize cuz im not one of those people who just pretends to like rock cuz they think its...
Meh I aint interested in online ****... Though if forgehub was like a community in real life somehow then I would worry... cuz I is evil... Cut...
Oooh cool this site is just getting better and better... getting pretty serious now... Soon were gonna need to start making T-Shirts and building...
Go into the "Forge Maps" Forum... there is a Sticky Labeled "How to Post your Map" it will tell you everything you need to know there... - Lemon...
put walls around them, walls not high enough to obstruct the view but not to low to drive over... - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
You wont gain points if you come in last or close to last... and you also wont if you play the same ranked gametype a hundred times in a row, you...
Lol wow....
Dude I am completely honest when I say that you make amazing maps, both great gameplay wise and aesthetically pleasing... You clearly need to be...
I is not so jealous... i is jealous of the purple bars and swords that loyals get :( but I wouldn't mind having one either :)
Lemons aren't cooler but there just as cool! :squirrel_giggle: - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
The 2 up elevators and 2 down ones wouldn't be so bad... you just put the up ones across the map from eachother and the down ones across the map...
Woot 1517! take out the 5 and I am... Spartan 117! :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_rocking: :squirrel_jaffa: - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck: